Social To-Do List Mobile App

A social to-do list app where friends can view each other’s task lists and hold each other accountable.

Research, UX/UI Design, Visual Design


Individual project for Interaction Design course




December 2018

Social To-Do List mobile app mockup.


Interviews with college students found that they are overwhelmed with balancing their lives and have little time to socialize with friends. The goal was to develop a digital solution that addresses these key insights. Challenges for this project included: defining the problem statement, deciding which insights to address, and ensuring that the solution fulfills the users' needs.

Presentation Deck

The following presentation deck was created in order to pitch the idea of a social to-do list mobile app. It includes the results and insights gleaned from user research through one-on-one interviews.


The most important takeaway for me with this project was conducting user research and drawing insights from user interviews. It was interesting going into the project without a clearly defined solution in mind. Unlike working with clients, for example, there was no definitive end-product. As a result, much of the project was about exploration and innovation.

For this project, since the bulk of it was focused on research, there was not a lot of time to polish the app itself. As next steps, I would have developed the UI, created a prototype, and tested the prototype with potential users.